While Mac the Moose may no longer hold the record for the World's tallest moose, that is all about to change.

All summer long, the famous moose has been without his antlers as they had been removed to be replaced with a bigger and better rack. The new rack will once again make Mac the world's tallest statue of a moose after the title was taken away by the Norwegian town of Stor-Elvdal. The unveiling of the new antlers will take place at a free community BBQ on Thursday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Already, more than 800 people are expected to attend.

Executive Director of Tourism Moose Jaw, Jacki L’Heureux-Mason, explained what the new antlers will mean for the city.

"I'm kind of calling it a historic moment and I'm not just trying to be over-dramatic. It is a huge deal to us and we know that for a lot of our visitors, seeing these new antlers is going to be a thrill."

While some photos have been released of the antlers in the process of being made, L’Heureux-Mason says you'll have to see the completed result in person to truly appreciate them.

"They are a thing of beauty I will tell you. They're amazing. The sheer scope and size of them is in pictures amazing but in real life, unbelievable. They're definitely going to be bigger than they were before, which they were undersized before so this will make them anatomically correct. I think people are going to be shocked, I can't even think of a better word."

All throughout this week, the process of getting Mac ready for the installation will be taking place, with the team of various business owners in Moose Jaw who helped craft the new rack, working hard to make sure the rack can stand up to the harsh elements of Saskatchewan.

"Just this morning they made a last-minute change to put even more epoxy on the antlers themselves. They want to protect them from hail as much as they can. So today...Mac is basically getting a lobotomy. They've cut off the top of his head to look for strong anchor points. They want to have as much of a surface to weld these new antlers to as they can. While they are much bigger, they are also lighter than the ones we had before. So they want to make sure that the rack is anchored on as strongly as they can be because wind is a major issue out here."

The BBQ will serve hotdogs and hot coffee and the information centre will be open in case some attendees get too cold.