Justice Minister Don Morgan and Vice President Jason Stonechild


Should Moose Jaw police, in fact any police officer in Saskatchewan be carrying a taser while on duty?  The sometimes controversial, less than lethal weapon came up during conversations this week in Moose Jaw as the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers' Bi-Annual Meetings were held.

30 officers from around the province were at the meetings that ended Thursday with a presentation by Justice Minister Don Morgan who explained tasers are still being reviewed for use un Saskatchewan.
"There is an application before the Saskatchewan Police Commission to look at whether tasers should be re-introduced and I think there will be a decision on that from the Police Commission." explained Morgan. "Of course, they're an independent entity so I can't comment on that but I will say that any tool that is non-lethal or non-dangerous is something that should be carefully looked at."

Morgan says they're focused on giving police better tools to battle crime such as more prosecutors and more resources to deal with repeat violent offenders but they are also looking at preventing crime. He explained that justice is not simply punishing criminals it's helping people make the right choices in life and they need to start in the schools, talking with kids.

"The saying is that it's easier to build a child than repair an adult and there is certainly a lot of truth to that. Justice, corrections and public safety is an expensive process to go through so any step that we can take in way of prevention is well worth while."