Now that the holidays are over, you may be starting your new years resolutions.. one might be losing weight.

Kristy Oonincx is the owner and operator of Rise Above Fitness here in Moose Jaw.

Oonincx is a former NCAA hockey player who battled with weight gain after her hockey career came to an end.

Struggling herself she said, she's not shy to show a picture of herself at that point in her life because it gave her motivation to get where she is today.

"You know will power and wanting it and knowing that it can look really hard and daunting in the beginning but you always have to look again," explained Oonincx.

"You always have to refocus and you're going to have ups and downs but being able to refocus and know that if you have one bad you gotta get up and you have to look at the big picture. That's what I always did everyday after I got my diet under control and my work outs. I always knew it would be hard but it would be worth it too."

Oonincx said preparation is the key to a healthy life style, make sure you always carry fruit or a bag of vegetables to make for healthy snacking. She also suggests to plan your meals ahead of time, Oonincx plans her meals for the week every Sunday and says it helps her keep control of her diet.

Another tip she suggests is to make sure your weight loss goals suit you and that you have a manageable time period.

"The thing about being realistic is not comparing yourself to other people I think you need small little goals that are realistic for you to achieve as an individual. And not jump ahead and say I want to look like this in six months on a beach in a bikini. They need to be smart goals, that are small and easily attainable... and keep making them throughout your whole journey."

She says her personal training company has many different classes and times to fit any life style.

"Our classes are awesome, we're running boot camps five days a week with some running groups on the weekend. Our clients are awesome, it doesn't really feel like a job, it's exciting to go to the gym everyday and see a bunch of smiling faces that are there to be healthy and support one another, so it's a really cool feeling."