It was 12 years ago, believe it or not.  It doesn't seem like that long.  Many were outraged.  I didn't think it was fair for law-abiding adults.

It was the spring of 2006 when the provincial NDP government placed a ban on alcohol in provincial parks for the Victoria Day long weekend.

The decision was a reaction to history.  Many of our young people were out of control - partying, boozing and vandalizing on "May Long".  There was disorderly conduct and fighting.  We had to do something.

Well, it seems to have worked and so, the ban remains in effect in 2018.

Back when it was first announced and for some time after, I had visions of law enforcement officers going camper to camper and going through dad's cooler and mom's pantry looking for alcohol.  Generally speaking, from what I've gathered, that doesn't happen unless there's cause for concern.

So, happy Victoria Day.  Keep it real.  Keep it quiet.  And, remember, if you don't leave the booze at home, you might get sent home.