We head to the polls this Wednesday to elect a new city council that will include six councillors and a new mayor. In this final candidates feature we look at Frank Abdou and Darin Chow.


Its down to the final hours of this 2006 Election Campaign in Moose Jaw and for some, the final hours are all that matters.

After weeks of campaigning and trying to get their message across, no matter how hard candidates try there are just some voters who try ignore all of the hype, the posturing, the posters, the flyers, the buttons, the advertising, the news reports, the forums, and continue with their daily lives until Election Day arrives.

Well... it’s here! We vote tomorrow in this election with three candidates on the ballot for mayor and 22 up for election for six council positions.

In the past weeks we've highlighted each and every candidate that is seeking your vote. This is our final candidate’s report and we're taking a look at the only two candidates who did not speak at the Kinsmen All Candidates Forum. Franks Abdou and Darin Chow.

He's looking for his 6th straight term on Moose Jaw City Council. Incumbent Frank Abdou believes his past experiences make him a better candidate for council as our City deals with some tough decisions in the coming months and years. "I feel that I make my decisions based on justice. I tend to be fair to everyone and I like to think of myself as a prudent person. So if you vote for Frank Abdou you're voting for justice and prudence."

Abdou has just completed his 15th year as a city councillor and explains his position on the multiplex. "We are looking a recreational complex for the community for the future and this will have to be dealt with over the next few months. I would look forward to working with a community group to try to get the problems and the obstacles cleared out of the way sop we can make a plan for this project to move forward."

Another former city councillor is looking at getting back behind the big desk.

Darin Chow is our last of 22 Moose Jaw candidates to be featured in our election coverage and is focused on the multiplex project. "No matter who you vote for for council its absolutely imperative that, if you support the concept of a multiplex no matter what form that might take, you get out and vote and you vote yes on the ballot question."

Chow can't stress enough how important it is to support the multiplex question when we vote tomorrow. "Anything short of overwhelming support on that question potentially could be interpreted by the senior levels of government that there's a lack of local support for the project. If everyone gets out and votes yes they can leave it up to the incoming city council to determine exactly what that means and how they accomplish the job and gets it finished. It’s important that everyone gets out and supports that ballot question on Wednesday."

Chow was elected to council in year 2000. In 2003 he decided to run in the provincial election for the Saskatchewan Party but was defeated by Glenn Hagel.