It's for those of you who don't subscribe to Facebook.  Here's some of what you're missing today.

There are photos of palm trees weighed down by wet Las Vegas!  Yes, a number of local people who went south for a warm vacation are dealing with snow and cold.  

Here's a post many of us can relate to:  "The older we get the better we used to be."

Speaking of relatable, this guy says, "I'm first world poor which means I have a smartphone and a laptop just so I can go on line to see I have $5.00 left in my bank account."

One of my Facebook friends must have had company last night.  She writes, "I hate it when people are at your house and they ask 'Do you have a bathroom?'.  I'm like , 'No, we just go outside."

And one more, from a middle aged, single woman who writes, "My life is like a romantic comedy except there's no romance and it's just me laughing at my own jokes."