Are you for or against the $15 million dollar commitment from City Council?


We head to the polls this October 25th in the civic election and we will also vote on the future of the MultiPlex Project in Moose Jaw.

Monday night Executive Committee approved the question we will vote on. City Clerk Steven Schiefner gives us the question. "That the City of Moose Jaw reaffirm its financial commitment of $15 million towards the construction of a multiplex facility, consisting of a stadium style hockey rink with attached curling rink, at an estimated cost of $36.3 million dollars as envisioned in the business plan dated November of 2005 from Nustadia Recreation Inc."

Council is now awaiting a report on the idea of including another question on the ballot regarding location for the project.

But in reading the Cities Act we have learned the vote is not 100 per cent binding. Schiefner goes over he area that we found. "What the Cities Act says is that is there is a positive vote in favour of the resolution then City Council will be required to pass the resolution in 4 weeks. On the other hand in the majority of electors vote against the resolution the discretion is left entirely up to City Council in terms of what they do with that resolution."

So what that could mean is if the vote is a "no", the new council could approve the project even though the vote came back against the resolution.

It’s going to be interesting this October as we head to the polls.