Corner of 9th Ave. N.W. and the TransCanada Highway

A survey by the Board of Police Commissioners shows Moose Javians have safety concerns about speeding.  The survey determined that 70 per cent of citizens polled are concerned about speeding on Highway 1 as it passes through Moose Jaw.  The section of the TransCanada Highway that stretches from 9th Ave. N.W. to Thatcher Drive East is the main area of concern.

Photo radar enforcement is a suggested solution by the Board and they've requested permission, from the Government of Saskatchewan, for a pilot project.  The hope is that, with the use of photo radar, traffic would slow down and crashes, on Highway 1 through Moose Jaw, would be reduced.

"We think this is an initiative that would speak to some of the safety concerns that people have," explained Mayor Glenn Hagel.  "It has the potential to literally reduce the frequency of crashes."

The intersection of Thatcher Drive East and Highway 1 has also proven to be a safety concern. Since 2000, there have been 22 crashes at Thatcher Drive East and Highway 1 with another 54 collisions at the intersection of 9th N.W. and Highway 1 - four of them proved to be fatal.

Currently, photo radar is not used in Saskatchewan.  Moose Jaw's pilot project, which is pending approval, would require provincial legislative changes.  But, if the pilot project is approved and successful in slowing down motorists, it could change enforcement provincially.

"We've met with Minister Donna Harpauer, the Minister Responsible for SGI, to make the request that the province of Saskatchewan do the necessary changes to make it possible to carry out a pilot project," Hagel said.  "See what the results of that indicate and then determine whether Saskatchewan wants to make future use of photo radar enforcement."

The latest crash at 9th N.W. and Highway 1 just happened Monday night. The city is still waiting to see how the province responds to its request.