Carnie's Comments

Time for Twitter Tuesday!  I find the best of the best.

Here's a young woman who Tweets, "Being an adult is weird.  I'm left unsupervised all the time.  How unsafe."

This young father says, "You know you're an adult when vacation sounds like it's going to be a lot of work."

A disgruntled employee Tweets, "I'm quitting to pursue my dream of not working here."

This one, "My friend just referred to his mini van as 'the sweatpants of cars'."

I like this guy, "Nothing can break me.  My generation survived dial-up internet and texting on a flip phone."

Here's a local girl who Tweets, "Everyone's traveling to Europe and I can't even afford to drive over the 9th Avenue Bridge."

And, one more, from a middle-aged friend of mine who writes, "You know, one day we stepped out of Blockbuster not realizing it was our last visit."