If voter turnout yesterday is an indication, interest is running high in the local mayoral byelection. 

Advance polls opened yesterday afternoon at the Cosmo Senior Centre in downtown Moose Jaw.  I thought I'd drive by to see if the polling station was busy and yes, it was.  The line-up was all the way out the door to 3rd Avenue North East when I arrived around 1:30.   

Pro tip?  Fill out your voter registration form before you go.  That gets you in the express lane.  I was in and out of there in a few minutes while others waited in line.  I almost felt guilty about being so efficient and getting preferential treatment.  Almost. 

Later in the day, another indication that locals are most interested in this byelection.  I took a phone call from an old friend who wanted to get my opinion on the candidates and which one I'd be voting for.  I told him I already voted and, after some discussion, he agreed he'd be voting for the same candidate. 

Advance polling continues this week.  Election day is next Wednesday. 

Oh, and now you want to know who I voted for, right?