You know, I've met many people who believe my job is easy.  Let me tell you it's not.  I've got to be sharp each and every day.  It can be stressful. 

And you may be surprised to learn what the most stressful part of the day is.  It's the final half-hour of the CHAB Morning Show as we prepare to celebrate on the Evans Florist Birthday and Anniversary Show. 

It's a popular piece of local radio where you and yours get a chance to hear your names on the radio and a shot at winning a beautiful bouquet. 

Tracey Moody and I must check a number of sources including the submissions in the "Announcements" section on DiscoverMooseJaw, e-mails, Facebook messenger, the Moose Jaw RV & Marine Text Line and, of course, the telephone. 

And you know, if we miss one and we do once in a while, some people get really angry.  I've been berated a number of times over the years, and I take it to heart.  I feel the shame of failure. 

I just had to share that with you - remember, I'm only human and sometimes, I fail to adhere to the standards you expect. 

Thank goodness I'm not a surgeon.