Frank Abdou is looking for term number six as the long time Moose Jaw City Councilor files his paperwork at City Hall.


He has been there since 1991. He's shooting for 2009.

Moose Jaw City Councillor Frank Abdou is running for re-election and he made it official at City Hall Monday.

Abdou says he'd like to continue to be a part of it as we work towards a new multiplex, the expansion at the Union Hospital and more. "I guess, its unfinished business plus I feel that I do have the experience and have, in my mind, some idea of what community priorities will be for the next three years."

Abdou points to several things like the tourism industry as big positives in our city. He also tells us he'd like to see our population grow in Moose Jaw.

Dawn Luhning is the only other incumbent so far.