The peak of the spooky season is here. Halloween is this weekend. 

Costumes are ready and decorations are being finalized but in the midst of the pandemic, safety is a huge concern when going out this weekend. 

Handing out candy is a big tradition and being sanitary is something every candy-giver needs to think about. 

This is a great opportunity to come up with creative ways to give out candy while remaining contactless. 

Many people have built a 'candy shoot' and a great example of one is can be found right here in the friendly city. 

On Grace Street, a husband got creative and made a DYI zipline where a pumpkin king decoration shoots down to the front of his yard with a bucket full of candy. Along with a full yard of ghosts and gravestones for people to enjoy.


Being the town witch for a night can also help you and your neighbors keep a social distance. 

Turning a toy bin into a witch's cauldron and having a ladle to hand out candy with, is a fun way to give out candy with a strong Halloween spirit and still keep safe. 

A simpler idea is having pre-made goodie bags set outside on a table or even strung up on a clothesline for people to pick up themselves. 

If giving out goodie bags is the plan, remember to sanitize each bag before setting them out for people.

Whether you're trick or treating and handing out the goods, wearing a mask is always a great tool to keep safe as well.