The 36-hour long 800 CHAB Family First Radiothon will be returning to the waves this May.

Every year the radiothon helps to raise funds for the Moose Jaw Health Foundation so they can help purchase new equipment for the Doctor F.H. Wigmore Hospital.

"One of the great things about the radiothon is that it brought attention to a lot of challenges that occur in health care. Many of the health care professionals - doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and so on - they've been able to tell those stories and so have many patients. I can't wait to hear the stories that are going to come from this radiothon because it's so important," said Executive Director for the Moose Jaw Health Foundation, Kelly McElree. 

"I think of how far we've come from the old Union Hospital to the new state-of-the-art Doctor F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital, the medical changes that have happened. Health care has gotten so much better, and that's due, a great deal, to the generosity of radiothon donors."

800 CHAB's Family First Radiothon will be running from May 4th at 6:00am until May 5th at 6:00pm.