Yet again, Moose Javians have an easy time to get some holiday cheer with the yearly Twinkle Tours map. 

Created by Stefanie Palmer, she began a Facebook group to have a more organized way people could post where there were great displays, opposed to people randomly posting during the holiday season. Everything became much simpler with the help of Tourism Moose Jaw.

"In the past, it was me driving around looking for addresses and throwing them on [the Facebook page] and then this year we did it a little bit different where people would contact Tourism and put their addresses on themselves," Palmer explained. "We also did a little bit driving around, seeing some really spectacular displays and dropping off a little pamphlet in their mail saying 'hey, we saw your lights!'"

There are over 80 houses to view around the Friendly City and a list which shows exactly where they are. You can find a list online or you could pick up a physical copy at the Tourism Moose Jaw building. 

Below are some of the amazing displays around town;