City council unanimously agreed to start the process of rezoning the Mualla Professional Building to allow for the residential care home.

The building, located at 290 Fourth Ave. N.E., is currently zones as a community service and institutional district. An amendment to the zoning would add a discretionary use Type 3 residential care home to the zoning.

Director of planning and development Michelle Sanson explained Type 3 residential care homes.

“Currently the definition of Type 3 residential care homes is anything greater than 15 residents,” Sanson said.

“It would be discretionary so that information would come back on the application, so it wouldn’t be an automatic no limit.”

Type 1 includes residential care homes with less than five residents and Type 2 is a care home with five to 15 residents.

Sanson added that this is only the first of a two-step process. Because it is discretionary use, a discretionary use application would need council approval.

She said more details about the residential care home would come forward in the discretionary use application.

“When the discretionary use application comes we will get all the information on the number of residents, the number of parking spaces and all the specific information for that property will come at that point,” Sanson said.