With fewer people being involved on the Downtown Facility and Field House board, Councillor Brian Swanson was making waves saying he would like to see the board abolished.

Swanson made the motion to have the board terminated as they saw Councillor Candis Kirkpatrick step down.

The board normally operates with eight people but with Councillor Kirkpatrick leaving the board is left with 6 people.

Kirkpatrick admitted she left the board as she would like to focus her time and attention on other boards before the civil election coming up this fall.

"If there is a reluctance of elected officials to go on that board, then perhaps it should be eliminated" said Swanson.

"I can understand maybe the reluctance to go on there, as I've been watching from a distance and with what little information I get. I've been concerned by the idea of sitting on that board... one can become a rock concert promoter."

Other Councillors were quick to mention Swanson didn't stand up to participate and make the difference instead of terminating the board.

"Tonight I was going to make a motion to have him put on the board because I've heard him say here in my ear before.. well I think it's my turn to be on the board. Well now he has the opportunity, he can walk right in and be there and he doesn't want to take the opportunity and I think that speaks louder then anything" said fellow Councillor Heather Eby.

She wasn't the only Councillor who had something to say on the matter.

"From my perspective I believe that I would encourage anyone else to put their name forward including Councillor Swanson if he believes that he needs more information... he has a wealth of experience in municipal politics, to put his name forward (he) would be welcome on the board itself" said Councillor Patrick Boyle.

Swanson did not receive any support after the discussion continued and was largely out voted 6-1 in favor to keep the existing board.