There is a light at the end of the tunnel as the province is preparing to take in COVID-19 vaccines.

Although there is no concrete timeline from the federal government, the Saskatchewan Government has been told they could see vaccines in early 2021.

Minister of Health Paul Merriman explained who would be the first to receive the vaccines

"Based on the advice of Public Health officials, we will be prioritizing who will receive it first. There will be more details on this presentation next week. But it's no surprise that we expect healthcare workers and residents in our long-term care homes to receive our first batch of vaccines."

"Saskatchewan's per-capita share that we should be receiving in the first quarter of 2021 is about 180,000 doses, enough to vaccinate about 90,000 people."

Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab, suggested the majority of the population could possibly be vaccinated, if they so choose, as early as May.

“We really can’t loosen anything up until at least April, May until the majority of the population has been vaccinated,” Shahab said. ” Could we go back to where we were in October in terms of the restrictions in place there?  We’ll have to see how our case numbers progress."

Merriman added that the numbers are based on vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, but he is hoping it will be higher as two more companies have applied for vaccine approval this past week.