A local veterinarian is cautioning Moose Javians to watch out for kennel cough in their canine companions. 

Dr. Melissa Smith with the Bellamy Harrison clinic says its typically during the summertime and around Christmas time that she sees the number of cases rise. 

"We've been seeing a lot of it because everybody's been gone on holidays, and if they didn't take the dog with them, then it probably went to the kennel. And we often see it after Christmas holidays, when everyone's going on their warm holidays in January."

Smith said symptoms are similar to that of a human cold. 

"It's quite a nuisance because of the noise the dog makes, and it's very concerning to see such a dramatic cough in your pets. A lot of people describe it as sort of a whooping-cough cough."

Smith said the condition is not typically fatal, although in some dogs, the disease can develop into something worse.

"The animals that are most at risk of getting really sick, like having a pneumonia or a severe complication would be the really old dogs, really young dogs, and dogs that already have compromised breathing."

The best advice Smith could give is simply to make sure your dog's vaccinations are up to date. If you think your dog could be susceptible, consider avoiding the dog park, doggie day care, or any other highly populated dog areas.