Dylan Koshman has been missing for years and police have no leads

There was a glimmer of hope last week for a local mother in search of her missing son.  The federal budget has brought some sense of optimism back to Melanie Alix.  Her son Dylan disappeared while in Edmonton back in 2008 and to this day, there has been no sign of him.

Melanie is one of several Canadians pushing for a national DNA data bank to try and help solve missing persons cases when unidentifiable bodies arrive at a morgue.

"They don't know who these people are and I would say that there's a lot of people out there that are wondering and hoping that they'll have closure for their missing loved ones."

Right now it's just a plan though.  The budget released last week has a line item in 2016 for just over $8 million to establish the data bank over a 5 year period, just shy of $1.5 million has been allocated per year for operating in years after 2021.

Alix understands that this is still in the working stage but it's a victory in her mind because at least something is being started.