It's late, but it's budget day in Saskatchewan.  Finance Minister Donna Harpauer will table the budget Tuesday afternoon in Regina. The financial plans for the province are late due to leadership races for both the Saskatchewan Party and the opposition NDP earlier this year.

Premier Scott Moe and his SaskParty team are expected to make some unpopular announcements with the budget after giving a staunch warning earlier this year.  At his first public address after being elected by party members to replace Brad Wall, Moe warned city leaders that the budget would be tight and they likely wouldn't be getting as much money.

In more recent weeks, there was also talk of increasing the PST in order to balance the budget by 2020 but that was quickly diffused when Harpauer told media that all options are being considered in order to deal with the issues they face. A similar approach was used last year when media started to get word that major cuts were coming.