It's another reminder of how technology has changed and how we're trying to keep up.

It happens almost every day, including today.  People, listeners, call in greetings for the Evans Florist Birthday and Anniversary Show on CHAB.  We get the names of the people celebrating and the person or people who want to send the goodwill.  Then, in case they win the flowers, we need their phone number.  We don't know phone numbers anymore.  No, first we got the speed dial and then we got the cellular telephones.  We don't need numbers; we just push the button.  Yes, people of all ages are now stumped when you ask for a phone number.

Think about it - most of us can recite our telephone numbers from when we were kids.  Our parents and teachers insisted we learned our numbers in case of emergency.  We knew our friends' numbers off-by-heart and we would memorize telephone numbers of relatives.  Now, we have to look them up on our cellular devices.

Remember when we could call people and just hang up on them and they wouldn't even know who was calling?  Those were good times.