Some locals didn't like it and for some it just wasn't practical.  I got that.  I get that.  But, the front curbside garbage and recycling collection worked for me.  I was pleased with the change.

So, after an attempt to make it happen there was much opposition, much debate and discussion and a professionally conducted survey, we're back where we started.  Those who made the transition last August will be back to the back alley starting tomorrow.

A loyal listener tells me she believes those opposed are being "hedonistic and short-sighted".  She says "I'm a little annoyed that council caved - sometimes, you have to do what is in the best, long term interest of your city, rather than what is popular."

Oh, she wasn't finished.  "I hope everyone realizes that taxes are going to increase to deal with this..." she said.  "They've literally asked for their taxes to be raised.  Instead of touting the 'savings' of $150,000, council should have told us how much money we stand to lose...Psychologically, people are more motivated by a loss than a gain...Evidently, they need a psychology degree on council," she concluded.