Author: 800 CHAB NEWS

We knew it had been going around and we told you about it about 2 weeks ago.

Now, a petition, calling for a public vote on our proposed multiplex facility, has been delivered to city hall.

Spokesperson Bob Peden on "why" he and his friends started the petition.

"We are just a group that is kind of displeased that city council has not thought of that in the first place and seemed to be balking at the idea that they needed any citizens in put into it."

So, City Solicitor Steven Scheifner has the petition now.

"I'll provide a copy of the petition to city council on July 10th for their information, but under the cities act I've got 30 days to review both validity and then sufficiency of the petition. Whether or not it is prepared in courts with the requirements of the act, whether or not it’s properly in city councils jurisdiction and a number of legal issues. Then the second test is to see if there are sufficient number of signatures and sufficient number of valid signatures."

If the petition passes the test, we'll vote on whether we want the new multiplex in the civic election this fall.