Friendship and sportsmanship are on display in a video going around on social media.  It's a high school pitcher, striking out his best buddy to win the state championship.  As his teammates jump for joy and celebrate, the pitcher goes straight to his pal, still in the batter's box, and embraces him.  It's nice.

It took me back to my Little League days.  We north hill kids played in the National League so we played with and against buddies and classmates every night.  Oh, we competed because bragging rights were on the line the next day at school.

I can clearly remember the trash talking, the mockery and the taunting after strike outs and home runs.  I was victimized many times and I can still feel the anger that followed.  I remember the laughter and the teasing and how it instilled new inspiration to be better, to be a winner the next time.  

I don't remember anybody hugging me after they struck me out.  I don't think I would have liked that.  

It all reminds me of something the late, great Yogi Berra once said;  "The future ain't what it used to be."