The Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) has three new officers following Thursday afternoon’s swearing-in ceremony at the Performing Arts Theatre. 

Recruits sworn in included 43-year-old Cory Knutt, 38-year-old Sukhraj Jawanda, and 31-year-old Jeremy Wright. 

Board of Police Commissioners members were also sworn in at the ceremony, and included the returning member Doug Blanc, and new members Crystal Froese, Patricia Martynook and Nicole Swanson. Clive Tolley is also a returning member but was unable to attend the ceremony. 

Police Chief Rick Bourassa made welcoming remarks, before Commissioner Doug Blanc delivered greetings from the City, and welcomed the recruits on behalf of the Police Commission.  

“140 years ago, the first police officer was hired by the City of Moose Jaw. Two were interviewed, and they hired the first one,” said Blanc. 

“The one they didn’t hire used to look after the jail in Winnipeg, and after they hired the other one, they decided for $7.50, they would buy the other gentleman’s baton and handcuffs.” 

Chaplain DJ Kim gave the invocation, and The Honourable Brian Hendrickson, Judge of the Provincial Court of Saskatchewan, conducted the swearing-in of both the board members and the new officers.  

Hendrickson commended the board members for their work and shared some words with the new recruits prior to the oaths. “As a peace officer, you have great power and great discretion. Please use that power and discretion wisely and demonstrate integrity in your actions.” 

New board member Patricia Martynook brings a background in law to the position, having worked with Legal Aid Saskatchewan for 30 years. She’s also completed a 9-year term with the Regina Airport Authority Board and is looking forward to collaborating with other police board members. “I’m excited – I think it’s a really important committee, and I think it’s really just giving great service back to my community.” 

New board member Nicole Swanson is a retired police officer, having worked in that position for over 22 years. She started her career with the Regina Police Service and served for 19 years with the Calgary Police Service. “I’m anxious to see it through the different lens, and through the opposite side of being a constable out on the street. I’m hoping to lend some knowledge and firsthand experience when we’re making decisions and listening to things that are happening within the community.” 

New officer Jeremy Wright is originally from Ontario, and his inspiration for becoming a police officer is his childhood hockey coach who was a member of the Ontario Provincial Police. He is excited to be out in the community after his training. “Being someone that people can go to – building that rapport with the community and the locals, and just really feeling at one with Moose Jaw.” 

New officer Cory Knutt is originally from Manitoba and became interested in becoming a police officer after attending the citizens’ police academy. “The PACT team is one aspect that caught my eye – just the good work that they do, and the different side of policing there, dealing with some of the mental health issues.” 

New officer Sukhraj Jawanda, is originally from Punjab province in India, has lived in Canada for 12 years, and is coming to the MJPS from the Saskatchewan Highway Patrol. He started working with the MJPS last month. “It's a great team, and they’ve welcomed me with open arms, and they’re very friendly.” 

Wright and Knutt begin their 21-week training period on Monday.