You've heard the word "neurotic", right?  It's an adjective that means unstable or unbalanced, abnormally sensitive, obsessive, tense or anxious.  It's not a good way to be.

Well, a new study has concluded those of us with messy desks are neurotic.  Seriously. The results are shared on this week.

They say our co-workers judge us by our clutter.  Some believe it makes us look lazy.  I always thought a messy desk made me look busy!  Nope.  The study found being messy and unorganized "can have an adverse effect on your relationships at work or in your personal life...If people associate a messy person with being careless, these impressions...negatively impact how they interact with you."

The experts are recommending we clean up our act.  They say we can make our desks neater by keeping a junk drawer or a file cabinet to store miscellaneous items and, if you can't store it, stack it.  Oh, and they say after we dust, we should use a wet wipe to shine things up a little.

Apparently we'll still be unstable and unbalanced but our co-workers and supervisors won't know it.