So, an author I follow asked her fans and followers to "name one thing from your childhood that kids these days wouldn't understand."

The response?  So good.

"Walking to school a mile there and a mile back with my brother," "Snoopy snow cone machines," "rotary dial telephones," and "standing up and walking over to the TV to change the channel" are among the comments.

Another guy told a story;  "When I was 4 my grandparents gave me a folding knife with a 3 inch blade, just in case I needed to whittle something.  The only instructions were, don't cut towards yourself and don't bleed on your clothes."

How about "VHS tapes and the phrase, Be Kind - Rewind?"

And here's one that may bring back some memories for you;  "Waiting all day for your favourite song to come on the radio and then missing the first few notes before you could reach the record button on your cassette player."