This is it - the end of a decade.  New Year's Eve, the final day of 2019

A time to look forward to the good things ahead and reflect on where we've been

We've come a long, long way my friends and the older you are.....

The better perspective you have of where we've been and how we've come so far

When we were kids we thought The Jetsons was all fiction - Sci-Fi - so unreal

Well, we have and use similar gadgets in real life today. How does that make you feel?

We have drones and computers and automatic pedways, doors and sliding walls...

We have cars that drive and park themselves and real-time video calls

Yes, some of the things we used to fantasize about have materialized and come to life

And for those of us who don't like or resist change it has certainly caused some strife

And so, as we start the new year I'll share some advice that I received one life-changing day

A friend, who is older than me, said "You gotta keep up...or get out of the way."

Happy New Year!