It's Facebook Friday - I find the best of the best and share them with you.

Like this one that reads, "You ever take a nap so good you wake up in a panic, thinking you missed the school bus?  But it's Sunday and you're 32 years old."

Here's one from a guy who writes, "I like the type of people with a sense of humour that may be described as inappropriate with a chance of ruining the family dinner."  

A local lady shares this one;  "I couldn't find a parking spot at work today.  So, I went home.  It looked like they had enough people."

Here's one most of us can relate to;  "The divorce rate among my socks is astonishing."

And we'll finish with this one from a local guy;  "Tips for driving in the snow.  Install winter tires.  Drive south.  Continue until you see palm trees.  Apply brakes and sunscreen."