It's my periodic treat for you - those of you who don't do Facebook.  You're missing some great stuff.  

Like this one from a local gal;  "I was reading a self help book about insomnia but it was so boring I fell asleep".

Here's one from a guy looking forward to the weekend;  "I'm not feeling very worky today".

My Facebook friend Kerry writes, "The police stopped me last night, approached my car window and said, "Papers".  I said "scissors, I win" and I drove away.  He must want a re-match because he's been following me for 10 minutes."

There's a local girl posting a photo of a half eaten piece of chicken on the Moose Jaw Auction page.  She writes, "Half eaten chicken tender.  Smoke free, pet free.  Hard to part with.  Tastes good with plum sauce."

And, one more from a local who shares this post;  "Life is short.  Buy those shoes.  Miss this month's rent, get evicted, lose your job, ruin your life.  Go ahead, treat yourself."