It's Friday.  It's Facebook Friday on the daily commentary.  I look long and hard for the best of the best.

Like this one from the MJ Talks! page from a local mom named Hannah.  "I want to say thank you so much to the lady that just handed me a $20 at SuperStore...after commenting on my having 4 kids.  I was flushed and surprised and don't think I expressed how appreciative I am...if you see this, thank you so much."

Isn't that nice?

Here's a local guy who writes, "People say I go to bed early, like an old person.  No, I go to bed early like someone who has a job!"

Here's a woman who writes, "My mom didn't tag me in one of those cute, National Daughters Day posts.  Two words.  Nursing home."

How about this one?  "The three hardest things to say are:  I was wrong.  I need help.  And, Worcestershire sauce."

And, one more.  "The other day my friends and I laughed about how competitive we are.  I laughed the most."