Well, some of our questions were answered and punishment was handed down.  There are still a number of questions - some of which may never be answered.  

City Councillors Brian Swanson, Crystal Froese and Scott McMann are all facing sanctions following an investigation into their work on what are being described as serious personnel issues at the Downtown Facility and Field House.  Those councillors were on the board of directors for that operation.

You may recall Swanson was outspoken in his opposition to building these facilities in the first place.  So, I was alarmed when he ended up chairing the board of directors.  But, when I asked him, live on the radio, if he truly wanted to see these facilities succeed, he said "Yes".  I believe him.

It seems to me Councillors Froese and McMann are the kind of people we need on our City Council.  They're active in the community.  I can tell you they both give back more than most.  They make a difference.

So, you might consider that before you join the "experts" on social media - the people shelling out criticism.  That's part of the problem at a time when we need solutions.