Today is November 21st.  We're one month away from the longest night of the year, the first day of winter on the calendar, December 21st.  That tells me we're now into the darkest days.

I find myself getting tired easily and sleeping more than usual at this time of year.  I also find I'm not as easily pleased and I get grumpy from time to time.  It happens annually but it's only been the last few years that I've realized it happens to the best of us.  We get a touch of what's called "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or "SAD" for short.

The Canadian Mental Health Association tells us it's a very real type of depression and one of the keys is a lack of sunlight.  We lack energy and our sleep patterns change.  We might feel sluggish or agitated and have difficulty concentrating.  And, for some, it can and does get worse with feelings of being hopeless and worthless.

We can battle back by getting sunlight and fresh air, lots of exercise and healthy foods.  However, those remedies don't always solve the problem.  The CMHA tells us if we or someone your life struggles with depression, we should seek assistance from a health care professional.