Eight days after a COVID-19 outbreak was declared at the Chez Nous Senior Care Home, management is able to report that there have been no new known infections in staff or residents.

Multiple rounds of testing have turned up no more positive COVID cases thus far. But with some staff having to self-isolate, they're short of few team members in a time when workloads are even heavier.

Consequently, the care home is putting out a call to anyone interested in helping out by running errands or doing groundswork outside the building.

Manon Desruisseaux is the Manager at Chez Nous, she explains the initiative called "Calling all Angels."

"'Angels could mean a lot of things.' We got pizza from a family because all of my evening cooks have had to be off. My staff is working 16 hour days and they're tired so its great that we've been able to get a bit of a break. The staff are going above and beyond so it's just those little things."

Desruisseaux notes that they are not asking volunteers to come into the building. With a little bit of creativity, there are lots of ways someone could help in a safe way.

"I have a parcel here that has been here since Christmas that one of my ladies whats to mail out to her family. It's still sitting in my office, I don't have time to go stand in line in the post office. I could phone someone up and say 'Hey, here's my list, can you go out to the store for me?' That's something a volunteer could do."

She hopes to get a list of ten or so people who can be counted on to help. 

"I may not need everyone right now, but when things get back to normal we're going to need more volunteers as we start up activities again."

If you're interested in helping out, you can call 306-693-4371.

The care home hopes to have everyone there immunized as soon as the vaccine is available here in Moose Jaw. Families wishing for their loved ones to get vaccinated but who are unable to give consent personally should contact Chez Nous management to fill out a consent form.