Carnie's Comments


It's time to check in on the Twitterati on Twitter Tuesday!

Here's a mom who shares, "Autocorrect just turned 'think of others for a change' into 'think of otters for a change', and now I agree, that's a better solution."

This self-described humourist says, "Sometimes, the first step towards forgiveness is realizing the other person was born an idiot."

This guy Tweets, "My wife just incorrectly used the term 'mansplaining' and I don't know what to do now."

Here's an aging friend who writes, "Sometimes I feel young and then I remember the phone number we used to call to get the correct time to set our clocks."

This young woman says, "Realizing you can just buy a whole cake whenever you want to is one of the quality things about adulthood."

I like this one, "To everyone who wrote 'stay cool' in my middle school yearbook...I have some devastating news."

And one more you might relate to, "I wish I could just drop my body off at the gym and have them call me when it's ready to be picked up."