Carnie's Comments


Time for Twitter Tuesday!  I find the best of the week from the Twitterati.

We'll start with this guy who says, "I order the club sandwich all the time and I'm not even a member.  Man, I don't know how I get away with it."

This woman Tweets, "I thought calculus was hard but then I went down the toilet paper aisle and tried to figure out toilet paper math.  That is next level."

This guy, "I wanted a cheeseburger for dinner and my wife wanted pizza so we got we both wanted."

That same guy says, "My wife and I have a rule:  whoever is driving controls the radio, unless I'm driving."

Comedian Brent Butt says, "The problem with doing nothing all day is figuring out how to knock off early."

I like this one, "People are at their cutest when they've just woken up from a little nap, like naive babies, briefly unaware of the worldly horrors they're about to remember exist."

And one more from a young mom I follow who shares, "Spent 10 minutes scrubbing the wall thinking my kids left a huge stain on it and then realized it was my own shadow.  I'm fine.  It's fine.  Everything is fine."