Carnie's Comments


It's time for Twitter Tuesday - I find the best from the best of the Twitterati.

We'll start with this aging fellow who says, "I used to stay up all weekend at music festivals but these days I pack vitamin water and Aspirin in my lunchbox if I have to stay out past 8pm."

This funny young lady Tweets, "I take baths because it's difficult to eat nachos in the shower."

Another gal I follow says, "This killing them with kindness thing is taking way longer than I thought it would."

Here's a guy Tweeting first thing this morning, "I'm awake. So, now it's everyone else's problem."

I like this, "You ran a half marathon? Big deal. I ate a whole pizza. Finish what you start."

Here's an older woman I follow who says, "I think the proper term for senior women should be queen-agers."

And let's finish with this one, "I hate it when cashiers feel the need to check if my money is real. If I could counterfeit money I wouldn't be at the dollar store, Karen!"