Carnie's Comments


Time for fun and frivolity on Facebook Friday!

This sassy lady I know says, "People are scared to say stuff but I'm not and that's why only 3 of my coworkers like me."

I like this one, "I like being poor because anytime I'm in a car that was made after 2015, I feel like I'm in a spaceship!"

On a related note, this guy shares, "Your car will never make that noise for the mechanic. Your car is like, 'That's our special noise. I only make that noise for you!'"

Here's an older fella who says, "By age 35 you should have a huge box full of random cables but you can't throw them out because you're pretty sure you might need a couple of them one day."

This friend sharing a headline that reads, "Toronto voted best city in the world by people who have never been anywhere else."

This one,  "Zucchini noodles taste like settling for someone who isn’t funny but has a good job."

And one more from one of my favourites on Facebook, "English is so fake. How can you drink a drink but you can't food a food?"