Premier Scott Moe will address the Province of Saskatchewan this evening and again tomorrow morning.  The plan is mapped out in a news release published yesterday. 

Tonight, the Premier is "expected to address Saskatchewan's progress through the COVID-19 pandemic, including the vigilance that has been displayed and must be maintained as we look toward the next chapter of reopening Saskatchewan." 

His speech tonight is likely to provide some hints of what we'll hear tomorrow.  Premier Moe will announce "the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan" and "set the framework of how Saskatchewan's economy will be gradually, methodically and cautiously re-opened so that more Saskatchewan people can safely return to work." 

Premier Moe has made it clear that schools will not re-open and it's likely restrictions will remain in place at our hospitals and long-term care homes. 

It's truly a balancing act our Premier and his people are about to perform with our economy, our livelihoods and our health all coming into play. 

The decisions that are about to be made will be applauded and criticized and will likely be talked about for many years. 

What's clear here is that we, you and me, must continue to go about our business with care and consideration now and in the future.