It's Friday!  Facebook Friday on the daily commentary. 

Here's a funny guy who shares, "If you don't believe in yourself nobody else will.  Except your dog.  Your dog always thinks you're a legend no matter what you think of yourself." 

One of my favourite Facebookers says, "Just when you think food can't call you on the phone...onion rings." 

I like this one, "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving definitely isn't for you." 

Here's an aging female friend of mine who shares, "I'm never lonely because I have four men in my life.  I get up with Charley Horse, spend the day with Arthur Itis, dine with Will Power and go to bed with Ben Gay." 

Maybe you've done this, "That stupid walk you do when someone's mopping a floor and you know you're gonna walk over it but you want them to see how sorry you are you make yourself look like you're walking over hot lava." 

And one more from a friend of mine who was doing laundry, apparently.  She writes, "The divorce rate among socks is ridiculous."