We'll start with this, "If an old dude ever gives you advice while peeling an apple with a pocket knife and eating pieces right off the blade, you should probably take it." 

We can all relate to this, "Being an adult is a little out of my price range right now." 

This one, "I'm officially leaving Facebook.  I spend too much time here.  Take care everyone...I'll be back in 15 minutes." 

Here's a friend who shares, "Sometimes you meet someone and you know from the first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them." 

I like this, "Turns out you can just buy a birthday cake anytime and eat it.  Nobody checks." 

And this, "I don't know how many cookies it takes to be happy but so far it's not 27." 

And, one more, "When someone says 'stop living in the past' I say, but the music was so much better back then." 

You're welcome!  Happy Friday!