Thank goodness it's Friday.  Facebook Friday on the daily commentary! 

This author I follow shares, "Tablets were replaced by scrolls.  Scrolls were replaced by books.  Now we scroll through books on tablets." 

Here's a local mom who says, "The husband and I both have a cold.  The difference is I'm cleaning the kitchen and he's dying." 

I like this one, "Get my tires rotated?  Uh, pretty sure they rotate while I'm driving but thanks though." 

This movie buff shares, "Just once I want the opportunity to dramatically swipe everything off a table to make room for a giant map that I'll use to explain the plan." 

Here's a barber who shares, "Be nice to your hairstylist because what's stopping them from plucking one of your hairs and putting it at a crime scene?  Nothing." 

And, on a related note, "A truck carrying toupees crashed on the highway, spilling everything.  Police are combing the area."