It's the best of the week from Facebook.  I do the scrolling for you! 

Here's an outdoors enthusiast who shares, "I really hate it when flies rub their hands together.  Like, what are they planning?  They have a lifespan of three days!" 

This guy says, "Sorry, I didn't mean to push all your buttons.  I was just looking for mute." 

A local pet lover got some 'Likes' with this one;  "My first instinct when I see an animal is to say 'Hello'.  My first instinct when I see a person is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away." 

Here's a friend who shares, "They say exercise gives you energy, but you need energy to exercise.  Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me." 

Here's someone who wonders, "Why must I prove I am me to pay my bills over the phone?  Do strangers call to pay by bills?  And if they do, why don't they just let them do it?" 

And one more from one of my favourite Facebookers who shares, "I was wondering why there was music coming from my printer.  Apparently, the paper was jamming."