

The tragic passing of former Palliser Member of Parliament Dave Batters has put a spotlight on the issue of depression and suicide.  But as Jim Walden with the Five Hills Health Region's Mental Health and Addiction Services tells us there can be some good taken from Batters passing, "I suppose the good that can come from this is that it's a neon sign that depression can happen to anyone, regardless of your social-economic status, regardless of your education level, regardless of your status in society, that anyone on the face of the planet is susceptible to depression."

Walden fills us in on what we can do if we think we may be suffering from depression, "Probably one of the best things that they can do is come in to see us here at Mental Health and Addictions and discuss what's going on with them and we can do a mental health assessment to see if it's in fact depression that they are suffering from.  If in fact there is suspicion of depression we have psychiatrist that they can be referred to and psychiatry can do a formal diagnosis."

Walden added that some of the warning signs you can look for in someone you think suffers from depression are a lack of energy and no more interest in things that use to interest them.

While the funeral for Batters is being held in Regina tomorrow, a special tribute and memorial is being held in Moose Jaw as well.

Everyone is invited to a light a candle and sign a book of condolence in memory of Dave Batters tomorrow from 9 until noon at the W.J.Jones and Son Family Centre a block east of the public library.