He'll be in our city tomorrow night.  He describes himself as a "community therapist".  He's the author of the book "13 Ways to Kill Your Community".  He is Doug Griffiths.

He grew up in rural Alberta, became an educator and a politician in the Alberta legislature and, over the years, he has found some common denominators between struggling cities and towns.

While his presentation touches on the ways to kill your community, Griffiths offers solutions.  His local presentation is at the Performing Arts Theatre at the public library.  You can get tickets and more information from the local Chamber of Commerce.

Interestingly, when I asked Griffiths "who should be there?", he gave us a list which included city councillors, administrators and a number of other key, community people.

But, he also said, "...the constant critics who are never satisfied or happy with anything...the folks who complain about everything...but they don't come out to meetings or...help solve problems.  They're the ones that really need to be there," but he said, "they never come."