An information session will be held by the Ministry of Highways at the Moose Jaw Events Centre on April 30 to outline the plan to repair the sloping issues on Highway 363/Ninth Avenue Southwest. 

The information session will run from 4 to 7 p.m.

A landslide had caused significant damage to the road adjacent to Wakamow Valley and had been repair multiple times. The Ministry says a berm will need to be installed at the base of the slope to stop the sliding. 

The information session will discuss what work will take place before, during and after the construction. 

A recent heritage study done by the Ministry of Highways found artifacts like pottery during preliminary shovel testing. Additional excavations are expected to be completed this summer before the berm is installed. 

Berm construction is slated to begin this fall and road repairs will begin in 2025. The project will go to tender this summer. 

You can find more information about the construction being done on Highway 363/Ninth Avenue Southwest on the government’s public engagement page