City Council has made an executive decision on the Moose Jaw municipal airport and has decided to delay the refurbishing project as a way to balance a 91 million dollar budget.


As it stands the City of Moose Jaw has a balanced 5-year Capital Budget.

City Council made the final shifts Monday night to eliminate a 560 thousand-dollar deficit. That involved delaying the Municipal Airport project from 2008 to 2011.

But Director of Finance Brian Acker tells us it was the airport that caused the problems. "What makes it such a large budget is all of our major capital needs. There's the Multiplex that everybody is aware of, there's the Buffalo Pound Pipeline Twinning, the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment upgrades, there's the waste water project for 18 million and there's the Stadacona sewer project."

And when you crunch the numbers those 5 projects account for nearly two thirds of the entire 91.3 million-dollar budget. In order to cover the increase in spending, Moose Jaw will borrow 30 million dollars.