Local business owner Kyra Klassen appeared in Regina Provincial Court Monday where her voyeurism charges were dropped. Klassen pleaded guilty to one count of distributing intimate images without the subject’s consent, contrary to s. 162.1 of the Criminal Code.

Klassen’s lawyer, Talon Regent, had this to say, “Ms. Klassen was clear from the beginning that she would fight any allegations of voyeurism. The charges to which she has plead guilty reflect that she and her friends had a silly girls-night-out, which went a bit too far.

"The conditional discharge imposed by the judge reflects the trivial nature of the circumstances. Being discharged means that even though a guilty plea was entered, Ms. Klassen has not been convicted of a crime and will not have a criminal record.

"Everyone involved feels a bit embarrassed, and I am glad that was the only harm done. It is unfortunate that this matter became the subject of public attention rather than being resolved with a simple apology, which Ms. Klassen gave prior to any police involvement.

"Ms. Klassen was also the subject of intimate images shared by one of the complainants to a similar Facebook group chat. Ms. Klassen considered pressing similar charges against them, but at this time, feels it would be best for everyone involved to leave this event in the past and move on with their lives.”

After appearing in court to enter her guilty plea, Klassen added to her lawyer’s statement with the following comments, “Voyeurism was completely inaccurate. I am thankful the court has seen that. I don't wish on anyone what my family and I had to go through because of those wrongly laid charges. By pleading guilty to this accurate, lesser charge, I am owning my part in this silly evening - something I have done since day one.

"There were things done that evening that also threatened my privacy. But I'm setting that aside and forgiving, as my family and I are ready to move on. Charging back at this time would only delay that. I don't want revenge, I just want to press forward. I haven't shared my side of the story as I knew there would be the appropriate time and place.

"To put it into perspective, my trainers and members that know the full truth of the events are still active in my life today. They still work with me and attend classes at my studio. That says it all.

"We all have pages in our personal stories we don't want shared - actions we know weren't our finest moments. Although this doesn't have to do with my business as it was with my personal friends, on personal time, I've realized that as a business owner I will always be living my life in the public eye. It has taught me to be more conscious of my decisions, no matter where and when. By laying the same charges against the complaints in retaliation, it only extends the emotional and financial hurt for everyone involved. I gain nothing. As stated, I don't want revenge, I just want to move on and see forgiveness on both sides. And I hope the same for the other parties involved."