Saturday marked the end of the week long campaign to raise public awareness about sexual assault and the services available.

The Government of Saskatchewan declared this past week as Sexual Assault Awareness Week, to help stop the stigma surrounding the topic and help victims find the strength they need to get help.

Funded by the Praireaction Foundation, the Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan (SASS) and other partner agencies, they helped spread the message this week to help not only the victims, but to educate more people on the topic.

Cara McDavid is the Manager of the Mental Health and Addictions Outpatient department and believes that there are always benefits from weeks like this, even if the goal isn't achieved.

"I think that anything that reduces the secrecy or stigma around sexual assault that supports people in speaking about their experiences and seeking help and support if they need it is a positive thing," she said. "There are lots of people who have been victims of sexual assault who maybe haven't felt comfortable or haven't sought out support or help for themselves."

One thing McDavid wants to make clear to any victims is that the services you receive respect your confidentiality. People believe the services they go to will report the incident to the police but they will only do so if you decide you want it to be reported.

If you are a victim of sexual assault and want to seek out help, you can contact the Mental Health and Addictions Services at 306-691-6464 and they will connect you to the proper services. Or you can call the 24/7 Provincial Sexual Assault Crisis Line at 1-844-952-0434.

"Sexual harassment, abuse, and assault, they're all forms of sexual violence and it affects people from every area and every walk of life in our province," Mcdavid said. "So its really important because I think the more that we can talk about the more it might support people who've been victims to reach out and seek support and help."